android development services

There are over 2 billion active users of Android globally! You can only imagine the opportunities offered by android app development. On the downside, there is also immense competition in the google app store market. There are around 2.65 million apps on the google play store. Consequently, it is incredibly difficult to compete in the market.

Thereby, it is essential for businesses to come up with interesting and innovative apps to stand out in this huge pool of applications. Incorporating the latest trends in android app development may help you develop an exceptional app that performs incredibly well in the market. Hire an android development service to build an app that aligns with the latest trends and, thereby, is competitive.

Here is a comprehensive list of all the latest trends in android app development:


IoT means that devices are interlinked. The trend of linked devices is rising. An example of IoT is smartwatches connected to mobile phones. IoT devices communicate with their linked devices to perform a given action, enabling users to work smartly.

Google allows IoT integration via android APIs on Android studio, enabling programmers to build well-integrated IoT software.


Blockchain technology is being rapidly adopted by apps to improve the security and performance of applications. This technology is particularly useful for business models that include a lot of sensitive data. Through blockchain technology:

  • Data remains protected
  • Data tampering is not possible
  • Transactions can be made smoother and safe
  • There is full transparency in business dealings

Blockchain maintains a record of all the business activities that are conducted over the app, making sure that the data is not accessed by any unauthorized individual and that there are no frauds.


Quick apps, also known as google instant apps, are gaining popularity among android developers due to the convenience provided by these apps. Users can access and use the app over the internet without actually downloading the app. These apps are highly accessible and do not take up any space in your device, and are also highly compatible with all devices, making them an extremely practical option. Through Android SDK, developers can also convert their existing apps into quick apps.


Integrating android applications with google assistant is a great way to improve the functionality of your software. Through google assistant, users may access the app more easily and conveniently. Through google assistant, users are able to perform several tasks just by commanding the assistant.


Android development services are shifting towards multiplatform development via Google’s flutter. Flutter enables the developers to build a program that would work over multiple devices and platforms, including iOS and android.

This saves the time and effort that would be required to build an app for each of the platforms. It is particularly useful when you seek to develop an app for android as well as iOS.


Beacons are tiny devices that are used to guide and inform users about their surroundings. These devices may use GPS, GSM, Wi-Fi, and NFC. But most commonly, Beacons use Bluetooth technology to connect with users and communicate with them. They are considered to be highly effective when it comes to marketing.


Artificial intelligence apps are trending due to the wide range of benefits that it has to offer. Such software is known for its excellent service and amazing user experience. Through AI, you can determine patterns of behavior and provide appropriate solutions to the users.


Building trendy software is often very costly because it requires advanced skills and technologies. Thereby, you should invest smartly by following the given steps:

1. Understand the needs of your consumers to finalize the technologies you would want to include. You may look at your competitors and monetize on their gaps through the latest technologies.

2. Evaluate the cost. Be sure about being able to afford the development of such an advanced app.

3. Hire a reliable service provider to make sure you don’t hire someone who is not capable enough of developing such an advanced app for you.

4. Test the app to make sure all the features are working well and functioning just the way you want them.

5. Advertise the unique and advanced features of your app to attract more users and, thereby, make your app launch a huge success.

6. Ensure that the development team stays within the loop and continues to work on the app post-launch to ensure the smooth performance of the app even when the traffic on the app increases. The latest technologies may not respond the way you would expect. Thus, it is essential for the developers to stay attentive and monitor the system to identify and fix issues that may arise.


If you are seeking an android development service, choose the one that knows the latest trends. Your app needs to be up to date to ace the tough competition among software. You shall take inspiration from all the top-rated applications on the google play store; all the top applications are in line with the latest trends. They have incorporated the latest technologies in unique ways to make their app stand out. Developing a trendy app may be costly and tricky. But it is definitely going to help you generate high revenues.

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