How to build a Mobile App Prototype? Cost, Process and Benefits

cost to build a mobile app prototype

In this digital world, mobile apps are taking over the world with businesses going for mobile app prototyping to cater the diverse needs of customers. The Global Mobile App Revenues to Jump by 55% and Hit $613B by 2025. As a startup or even a business at growth only some of the companies can afford to spend a million of dollars on custom mobile app development. Even then if they did not get what they want, it can lead to bankruptcy.

TechnBrains is here to work your way around this, did you know what a mobile app prototype is? This comprehensive guide will discuss everything you need to know about a mobile app prototype, its cost, process and the benefits it can provide you. We will also discuss 3 no-code prototyping apps and low-code prototyping apps from the best app prototype development company.

What is a mobile app prototype?

A mobile app prototype is a preliminary version or a mock-up of a mobile application that is created to demonstrate and test its functionality, user interface (UI), and user experience (UX) before the actual development process begins. It is a visual representation of the app’s key features, design elements, navigation flow, and overall concept to speed app development process.

Why mobile app prototype? 

The purpose of creating a mobile app prototype is to gather feedback, validate ideas, and identify potential issues or improvements early in the development cycle. It allows developers, designers, stakeholders, and users to interact with the app conceptually and provide input on its design, usability, and functionality.

The fidelity of a mobile app prototype might range from rough wireframes or sketches to detailed designs that nearly resemble the finished product. Low-fidelity prototypes focus more on the basic structure and layout, while high-fidelity prototypes include more detailed visual elements, animations, and interactions.

Prototyping tools and software are commonly used to create mobile app prototypes, offering features like drag-and-drop interface builders, interactive components, and the ability to simulate app behavior. These tools help to streamline the prototyping process and make it easier to iterate and refine the app’s design and functionality.

Overall, a mobile app prototype serves as a valuable tool in the development process, allowing stakeholders to visualize and evaluate the app’s user experience, flow, and features before investing significant resources into actual development.

Mobile App Prototype: Benefits 

Consider hiring a mobile app development company for any of your development needs. If you want to build an app like Venmo or you just need a rapid prototype app, you can hire an app prototype development company. Mobile app prototypes offer numerous benefits, including concept validation, user feedback, cost and time efficiency, improved UX, collaboration, investor engagement, and iterative design. Here are some key advantages in detail:

1. Visualization and Concept Validation

Prototypes provide a visual representation of the app concept, allowing stakeholders to better understand how the final product will look and function. It helps validate the idea, gather feedback, and ensure that the app meets the desired goals and requirements.

2. User Feedback and Usability Testing

Prototypes enable early user testing and feedback collection. By allowing users to interact with the prototype, developers can gain insights into the usability, intuitiveness, and overall user experience of the app. This feedback helps identify potential issues and make necessary improvements before the development phase.

3. Cost and Time Efficiency

Creating a prototype is relatively quicker and cheaper compared to the cost of developing the complete mobile app. Firstly, it allows developers to identify and address design flaws or usability issues early on, reducing the likelihood of expensive revisions during the later stages of development. By gathering user feedback and validating ideas through prototyping, unnecessary features or complex functionalities can be eliminated, saving development time and resources. Additionally, stakeholders can visualize the app’s interface and flow, making it easier to align their expectations and minimize costly misunderstandings. Moreover, prototyping enables developers to test different approaches and make informed decisions, reducing the risk of costly mistakes and ensuring a more efficient development process. Overall, a mobile app prototype helps optimize resource allocation and reduce development costs.

4. Collaboration and Communication

Prototypes serve as a communication tool between designers, developers, stakeholders, and clients. It facilitates discussions and aligns everyone’s expectations by providing a tangible representation of the app’s features, user flow, and interface. This shared understanding minimizes misunderstandings and promotes efficient collaboration.

5. Improved User Experience (UX)

Prototyping helps designers and developers identify potential usability issues and make necessary adjustments before the development phase. By testing different interaction patterns, navigation flows, and UI elements, they can create a more intuitive and user-friendly mobile app that enhances the overall user experience.

6. Investor and Stakeholder Engagement

A well-designed mobile app prototype can be used to showcase the app’s potential to investors, stakeholders, or potential clients. It provides a tangible demonstration of the app’s value proposition, features, and functionalities, helping secure funding, partnerships, or support.

7. Iterative Design and Continuous Improvement

Prototyping allows for an iterative design process, where feedback and insights gathered during testing can be incorporated into subsequent versions of the prototype. This iterative approach promotes continuous improvement, resulting in a more refined and polished final product.

All of these benefits play a crucial role to speed app development process mitigating risks, improving the overall quality of the app, and increasing the chances of success in the market.

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Mobile App Prototype: Types

Now that we have explored the benefits of mobile app prototype, there are several types of mobile app prototypes. Each serving a different purpose in the development process, here are some common types:

 types of mobile app prototype that can help you speed up your prototype development timeline:

Low-Fidelity Wireframe

This type of prototype focuses on the fundamental structure and layout of the app. It utilizes basic shapes, lines, and placeholders to represent different elements and screens. Low-fidelity wireframes prioritize functionality over visual aesthetics, allowing developers and stakeholders to focus on the overall app structure and content organization.

High-Fidelity Prototype

High-fidelity prototypes closely resemble the final app in terms of visual design, interactions, and functionality. They incorporate detailed graphics, realistic typography, and interactive elements. High-fidelity prototypes provide a more accurate representation of the app’s look and feel, enabling stakeholders to visualize the final product and make informed design decisions.

Interactive Prototype

Interactive prototypes allow users to interact with the app’s features and simulate user flows. They provide a more dynamic and immersive experience compared to static prototypes. By incorporating interactive elements such as clickable buttons, dropdown menus, and form fields, interactive prototypes allow for testing and evaluation of the app’s navigation, user interface, and basic functionalities.

Clickable Prototype

Clickable prototypes emphasize the interactive aspects of the app by enabling users to click on buttons, navigate between screens, and experience the flow of the app. This type of prototype offers a more realistic user experience, allowing stakeholders to assess the usability and effectiveness of the app’s interface and user interactions.

Functional Prototype

A functional prototype includes the core functionalities of the app and provides a more realistic representation of the final product. It demonstrates the app’s key features, interactions, and data processing capabilities. With a functional prototype, stakeholders can test and evaluate specific functionalities and their integration within the app, helping to identify potential issues and make necessary refinements.

Paper Prototype

A paper prototype involves creating hand-drawn sketches or printed screens that can be physically manipulated and tested. It is a quick and low-cost method to gather initial feedback on the app’s layout, content placement, and overall flow. Paper prototypes are particularly useful in the early stages of development when exploring different design ideas and gathering input from stakeholders.

Video Prototype

A video prototype employs recorded interactions and animations to demonstrate the app’s flow and functionality. It provides stakeholders with a visual representation of how the app will look and function in real-time. Video prototypes are useful for presenting and communicating app concepts to stakeholders who may not have access to interactive prototypes, helping them better understand the app’s intended user experience.

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Build Your Mobile App Prototype: Step-by-Step Guide

Building a mobile app prototype is a crucial step in the development process, allowing you to validate your ideas, test the app’s functionality, and gather feedback before investing in full-scale development. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you build your mobile app prototype:

Step 1: Define Your Goals and Concept 

Begin by clearly defining your goals for the mobile app prototype. What problem does your app solve? Who is your target audience? Identify the core features and functionalities that you want to include in your prototype. This will serve as the foundation for the rest of the process.

Step 2: Conduct Market Research 

Before diving into the prototype, conduct thorough market research to understand your target audience, competitors, and industry trends. Analyze existing apps in the market to identify what works well and where there are opportunities for improvement. This research will inform your prototype’s design and functionality.

Step 3: Sketch Out the App’s Structure 

Start by sketching out the basic structure and flow of your app. Use pen and paper or digital tools to create rough wireframes representing each screen or page of your app. Focus on the layout, content placement, and navigation flow. This step helps you visualize the app’s structure and user flow before moving on to more detailed design.

Step 4: Choose Prototyping Tools 

Select the prototyping tools that best suit your needs. There are numerous options available, ranging from simple drag-and-drop tools like Sketch and Adobe XD to more advanced prototyping platforms like Figma and InVision. Consider factors such as ease of use, collaboration features, and the ability to create interactive prototypes.

Step 5: Create Low-Fidelity Wireframes 

Using your chosen prototyping tool, start creating low-fidelity wireframes based on your sketched structure. Focus on the core functionalities and screens of your app. Use basic shapes, placeholders, and simple text to represent different UI elements. The emphasis at this stage is on functionality rather than visual aesthetics.

Step 6: Iterate and Refine 

Share your low-fidelity wireframes with your team, stakeholders, and potential users for feedback. Gather their input and make iterative improvements to your wireframes. Focus on addressing usability issues, streamlining the user flow, and incorporating suggestions for enhancing the app’s functionality.

Step 7: Design High-Fidelity Screens 

Once you have iterated on your low-fidelity wireframes and finalized the app’s structure, it’s time to design high-fidelity screens. Pay attention to visual aesthetics, typography, color schemes, and overall branding. Create detailed screens that closely resemble the final app’s appearance.

Step 8: Add Interactions and Animations 

With your high-fidelity screens ready, start adding interactions and animations to bring your prototype to life. Utilize the interactive features of your chosen prototyping tool to create clickable buttons, transitions between screens, and simulated user interactions. This step allows stakeholders and users to experience the app’s flow and functionality.

Step 9: Test and Gather Feedback 

Test your interactive prototype with a diverse group of users. Observe how they navigate through the app, identify any usability issues, and collect feedback on the overall user experience. Use this feedback to refine and enhance your prototype further.

Step 10: Validate and Iterate 

Based on the feedback received, validate your prototype’s design, features, and functionality. Identify any areas that need improvement or modification. Iterate on your prototype to address any issues, refine the user experience, and incorporate necessary changes. Repeat the testing and iteration process until you achieve a prototype that meets your goals and satisfies user needs.

Step 11: Document and Share 

Document the features, interactions, and design guidelines of your prototype. Create a comprehensive document or interactive presentation that explains the app’s purpose, user flow, and key functionalities. This documentation will be useful when communicating your prototype to stakeholders, developers, and designers involved in the actual development phase.

Step 12: Plan for Development 

Once your mobile app prototype is refined and validated, it’s time to plan for the actual development. Collaborate with developers to discuss technical feasibility, determine the development timeline, and estimate the resources required. Use your prototype as a blueprint for the development process, providing a clear understanding of the app’s structure, functionality, and design.

Building a mobile app prototype is an iterative process that requires careful planning, design, and testing. By following these steps, you can create a comprehensive and user-friendly prototype that aligns with your vision and sets the stage for successful app development. Remember to gather feedback, iterate, and refine your prototype continuously to ensure you create the best possible user experience for your mobile app.

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3 Best No-Code Prototyping Apps

No-code prototyping apps are software tools that allow users to create mobile app prototypes without the need for coding or programming knowledge. These platforms offer a visual and intuitive interface where users can drag and drop elements, define interactions, and simulate app behavior.

1. Proto logo

Proto is a powerful no-code prototyping tool that allows users to create interactive app prototypes without writing a single line of code. It offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, a wide range of pre-built UI components, and extensive animation and interaction options. Proto supports collaboration and allows for easy sharing and testing of prototypes. It also integrates with popular design tools like Sketch and Figma, making it seamless to import designs for prototyping.

2. Adobe XD

Adobe XD CC icon

Adobe XD is a popular no-code prototyping app that enables designers to create interactive prototypes for websites and mobile apps. It offers a comprehensive set of design and prototyping tools, including vector-based design capabilities, interactive transitions, and the ability to preview and share prototypes on various devices. With its easy-to-use interface and seamless integration with other Adobe Creative Cloud applications, Adobe XD is a favorite among designers and prototypers.

3. Figma

Figma logo

Figma is a versatile design and prototyping tool that allows users to create interactive prototypes effortlessly. It offers a collaborative design platform where multiple users can work on a prototype simultaneously, making it ideal for team collaboration. Figma provides an extensive library of UI components, a powerful vector editing tool, and intuitive prototyping features. It allows users to create interactive transitions and animations, conduct user testing, and share prototypes with stakeholders easily.

These three no-code prototyping apps—Proto, Adobe XD, and Figma—offer robust features, ease of use, and excellent prototyping capabilities, making them popular choices among designers and prototypers. Depending on your specific needs and preferences, you can explore these apps to find the one that best suits your prototyping requirements.

3 Best Low-Code Prototyping Apps

Low-code prototyping apps are tools that enable users to quickly and easily create app prototypes with minimal coding or programming knowledge. These apps provide a visual and intuitive interface, allowing users to drag and drop pre-built components and design elements to create interactive and functional prototypes. Here are some popular low-code prototyping apps:

1. UiPath

UiPath Logo

UiPath is primarily known as a leading provider of Robotics Process Automation (RPA) solutions. Their low-code prototyping capabilities allow users to build process automation workflows and create prototypes with ease. With a visual drag-and-drop interface and pre-built components, UiPath empowers users to quickly design and test automation solutions without extensive coding.

2. ServiceNow App Engine

ServiceNow App logo

ServiceNow is a popular platform for IT service management and workflow automation. Its App Engine offers low-code capabilities for building custom applications and prototypes. Users can leverage a range of templates, pre-built modules, and drag-and-drop functionality to design and test prototypes efficiently. ServiceNow’s robust platform also provides extensive integration options and scalability for future development.

3. OutSystems

OutSystems Logo

OutSystems is a comprehensive low-code development platform that facilitates the rapid creation of prototypes and full-scale applications. With an intuitive visual interface, users can easily build prototypes, define data models, and design user interfaces. OutSystems offers a wide range of pre-built components, reusable modules, and seamless integration capabilities, empowering users to rapidly iterate and validate their app concepts.

These low-code prototyping apps provide users with the tools and resources to quickly develop functional prototypes, validate ideas, and gather feedback. By reducing the need for complex coding, these platforms enable users to focus on the app’s functionality, user experience, and overall design, ultimately accelerating the prototyping process and facilitating efficient app development.

How Much Does It Cost to Design an App?

The cost of designing an app can vary significantly depending on various factors such as the complexity of the app, the number of screens and features, the platforms it will be developed for (e.g., iOS, Android), the level of customization required, the location of the design team, and the expertise and reputation of the designers. Additionally, the cost may also be influenced by the design process followed, whether it involves wireframing, prototyping, user testing, and iterative improvements.

Type of AppFeatures & FunctionalitiesCost
Basic mobile app prototype limited number of features and functionalities$5,000 to $15,000
Mid-range mobile app prototype more advanced features and functionalities$15,000 to $50,000
Complex mobile app prototype complex features and functionalities$50,000 or above
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TechnBrains the best Mobile App Prototype Development Company

TechnBrains is recognized as one of the leading mobile app prototype development companies, delivering exceptional services to clients worldwide. With a strong track record and a team of highly skilled professionals, TechnBrains has gained a reputation for excellence in the industry.

Here are some reasons why TechnBrains stands out as one of the best mobile app prototype development companies:

Expertise and Experience

TechnBrains boasts a team of experienced designers and developers who possess extensive knowledge and expertise in mobile app prototyping. They stay up-to-date with the latest design trends, best practices, and emerging technologies to deliver innovative and user-centric app prototypes.

Customized Solutions

TechnBrains understands that every client’s requirements are unique. They work closely with their clients to gain a deep understanding of their vision, target audience, and goals. Based on this understanding, they create highly tailored and customized app prototypes that align with the client’s specific needs and objectives.

Iterative Approach

TechnBrains follows an iterative approach to app prototype development. They value collaboration and actively involve clients in each stage of the process. This ensures that feedback is incorporated, and refinements are made throughout the development cycle, resulting in a prototype that meets or exceeds expectations.

User-Centric Design

 User experience (UX) is at the core of TechnBrains’ app prototype development process. They prioritize creating intuitive and engaging user interfaces that enhance usability and drive user satisfaction. By conducting user research, usability testing, and user-centric design methodologies, they ensure that the app prototype delivers a seamless and delightful user experience.

Cutting-Edge Tools and Technologies

TechnBrains leverages state-of-the-art tools and technologies to create mobile app prototypes. They stay updated with the latest prototyping software, ensuring efficient and accurate prototyping processes. Their designers and developers are proficient in using industry-leading prototyping tools to build interactive and visually appealing prototypes.

Quality Assurance

TechnBrains maintains high standards of quality assurance throughout the prototype development process. They perform rigorous testing and validation to identify any issues or bugs and ensure that the prototype functions smoothly across different devices and platforms. This commitment to quality ensures that the final app prototype is of the highest standard.

Client Satisfaction

TechnBrains places great emphasis on client satisfaction. They prioritize clear communication, timely delivery, and collaborative engagement to build strong and lasting relationships with their clients. Their dedication to meeting client expectations and delivering top-notch app prototypes has resulted in a high level of client satisfaction and repeat business.

TechnBrains is widely regarded as one of the best mobile app prototype development companies due to their expertise, tailored solutions, user-centric approach, cutting-edge technologies, and commitment to client satisfaction. Their passion for delivering outstanding app prototypes makes them an excellent choice for businesses seeking to bring their app ideas to life.

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What is the process of making a prototype of your mobile app?

The process of making a prototype for a mobile app typically involves several steps. It starts with defining the goals and concept of the app, conducting market research, sketching out the app’s structure, choosing prototyping tools, creating low-fidelity wireframes, iterating and refining the design, designing high-fidelity screens, adding interactions and animations, testing and gathering feedback, validating and iterating on the prototype, documenting the design, and planning for development. Contact TechnBrains for an insight on mobile app prototype.

How long does it take to build an app prototype?

The time it takes to build an app prototype can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the app, the number of screens and features, the design process, and the resources available. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to develop a functional prototype. However, it’s important to note that the focus should be on creating a quality prototype rather than rushing through the process to meet a specific timeframe.

What guarantees that the mobile app prototype is functioning per requirements?

To ensure that a mobile app prototype is functioning per requirements, rigorous testing and validation are crucial. This includes conducting user testing, usability testing, and functional testing. By involving actual users and stakeholders in the testing process, any issues, bugs, or usability problems can be identified and addressed. It’s also important to have a clear set of requirements and specifications for the prototype and to regularly communicate and collaborate with the development team to ensure alignment with the intended functionality.

How to create a prototype for a mobile app?

Creating a prototype for a mobile app involves steps such as sketching the app’s structure, designing low-fidelity wireframes, refining and iterating on the design, designing high-fidelity screens, adding interactions and animations, and conducting testing and validation. This process typically requires the use of prototyping tools, which can range from simple drag-and-drop tools to more advanced software that supports interactive and dynamic prototyping. By following a systematic approach and utilizing prototyping tools, designers can create a functional and visually representative prototype for a mobile app.

What does a high fidelity prototype for a mobile app include?

A high-fidelity prototype for a mobile app includes detailed and visually polished screens that closely resemble the final app’s appearance. It incorporates realistic graphics, typography, color schemes, and branding elements. Additionally, a high-fidelity prototype includes interactive elements and animations to simulate user interactions and demonstrate the app’s functionality. By creating a high-fidelity prototype, stakeholders can have a more realistic and immersive experience, allowing for better evaluation of the app’s visual design, usability, and user experience.

What is mobile app prototype?

A mobile app prototype is a preliminary version or mockup of a mobile application that demonstrates its core features, functionalities, and user interface. It serves as a visual representation and interactive demonstration of the app’s intended design and functionality. Prototype development timeline can range from low-fidelity wireframes to high-fidelity, interactive representations that closely resemble the final product. They are used to gather feedback, test user interactions, validate concepts, and guide the development process before investing in full-scale app development.

How much does it cost to build a prototype app?

The cost of building a prototype app can vary. It depends on factors like app complexity, number of screens and features, design and development resources, and development team location. Providing an exact cost without project details is challenging. However, you can book a consultation with TechnBrains for a cost-effective solution.

How do I prototype an iPhone app?

To prototype an iPhone app, you can follow a similar process as prototyping for any mobile app. Begin by defining the goals and concept of the app, conducting market research, sketching out the app’s structure, and then proceed to choose prototyping tools. Popular prototyping tools such as InVision, Figma, and Adobe XD support iPhone app prototyping. Utilize the specific iOS design guidelines and UI components to create accurate and visually appealing screens. Add interactive elements, transitions, and animations to simulate user interactions. Finally, conduct thorough testing and iterate on the prototype to ensure it aligns with the intended iPhone app design.

What makes a great app prototype?

A great app prototype possesses several key qualities. Firstly, it accurately represents the app’s intended functionality, user interface, and user experience. It effectively communicates the app’s core features and value proposition. It is interactive and provides a realistic simulation of user interactions. A great app prototype also incorporates visual design elements that are visually appealing, consistent, and aligned with the brand identity. Furthermore, it is easy to navigate and understand, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience. Lastly, a great app prototype is validated through user testing and feedback, allowing for continuous iteration and improvement.

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