top ios app development trends


We see new features on various mobile applications almost every year. Many of these features becoming trending, because of its development. In the world of mobile application, Android and iOS mobile app development is always in a competition to outrun one another. For many users, several features from both platforms become favorite based on functionality, aesthetics and usability as well as convenience.

To entice user’s attention, many developers put extra efforts on the design and development. Since there are several new iOS app developments in trend, we are going to focus on some of the top of them.


Apple launched Swift 5 back in 2019. It is a popular language, widely used by iOS app developers for outstanding mobile application building. This modern programming language allow developers to alter swift 4 codes into Swift on its own comfortable pace. This trend enables the developers to migrate the codes with extreme convenience, one module at a time. As Apple has released swift’s latest version in September 2020, known as Swift 5.0, developers hope for better development opportunities and improved features.

Some several other attractive features of swift 5 are as follows:

  • Application Binary Interface (ABI)
  • Source and Binary Compatibility
  • Faster system


In the past decade, there is a drastic change in online payment methods. Now, people have several options for paying others via online means such as e-wallets, online banking, PayPal etc. these online payment gateways are allowing people to travel cashless. Apple Pay is among these popular e-wallets, which allow its users to make easy payments without saving card details. Following are some facts about Apple Pay:

  • A report by Statista shows Apple Pay has more than 441 million users in 2019. This number is expected to grow further in the upcoming years.
  • iOS mobile app development will use this payment gateway system and integrate it in the apps for user’s convenience.


Although IoT has been around for decades now, its new use surely is revolutionary in the field of tech. For tech savvy people, IoT is not a new concept. However, its ever increasing popularity and integration in the mobile applications is exceptional. The amalgamation of mobile applications and IoT has created several new opportunities for iOS mobile app development.

Following are some reasons why IoT is trending:

  • Internet of Things integrates with mobile apps to make our everyday tasks easier.
  • IoT has given life to the concept of Smart home.
  • IoT integrated devices are interconnected and are operation with a voice command, via mobile application.
  • The consumers can lock or unlock their doors, turn on and off electrical appliances and perform other tasks with IoT integrated mobile apps.
  • IoT is also helping in improving home security levels.


Wearables are becoming more common now. We can see them on people almost everywhere. Most of the wearables are Smartwatches, fitness trackers, and eyewear. According to Gartner’s research, the market of wearables is expected to grow up to $62 Billion by the end of 2021.

Such high numbers make it evident that tech-savvy audience is enjoying this trend. It also opens doors to several new opportunities in the iOS app development sector. With wearables providing near to accurate health information, iOS mobile app development can use this information in creating other better apps for healthcare, fitness and security.


The integration of VR and AR in mobile applications has changed the dynamics of app experience. especially after the global pandemic breakthrough, people are interested in using AR and VR to its full capacity. AR/VR offers an experience so immersive for users that it makes them feel inside the application. especially in the gaming world, consumers are enjoying AR/VR gears to its maximum potential. Another great example of AR/VR immersion is IKEA.

  • For instance, now you can use IKEA’s mobile app to check if a particular piece of furniture will look good in your home. You can pick the furniture and point the camera on your phone on your desired placement. The app uses AR to show whether or not the furniture piece goes along your home setting.


Mobile applications with easily and predictable swiping and navigation have the edge over the desktops. IOS mobile app development is not far behind in experimenting with different interesting ways to swiping experience.  App developers are working hard to give the audience fun engagement, with maximum creativity.


Applications with data representations tend to get boring since it’s a dry and boring material. but IOS app developer have expertise in turning tables around. Hence the trend of creative data representation and visualization is among the list. With creative data visualization trend, IOS apps use graphical representation to make things creative and interesting.

The application can be about anything, whether is data, figures or stocks, the trend of creative visualization can make it better.


Mobile application experience is dynamically changes with the 5G technology. The application work better and with maximized efficiency. Since the improved speed and performance has its impact on IOS mobile app development, this trend is among the list.


All the new technologies that we see day by day have its impact on the mobile application development industry. however, the above mentioned trends are going to rule the IOS mobile app development in the upcoming time.

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