Why should you choose Laravel to build an eCommerce Website?

Laravel for ecommerce

Laravel, a PHP framework, may be used to create custom web applications. So, let’s look at the Top 10 Reasons to Use Laravel for eCommerce Web Development. Many apps, such as CRM, LMS systems, and HRMS, are built with Laravel and are helping firms and business owners thrive.

Key features of Laravel 

  • MVC Architecture

Laravel follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, which separates the application logic into three interconnected components: the model (data handling), the view (presentation layer), and the controller (application logic).

  • Eloquent ORM

Laravel includes Eloquent, an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system that simplifies database interactions. It allows developers to work with databases using intuitive PHP syntax instead of writing complex SQL queries directly.

  • Blade Templating Engine

Laravel’s Blade templating engine provides a clean and efficient way to manage views. It offers features like template inheritance, sections, and layouts, making it easier to build dynamic and reusable templates.

  • Authentication and Authorization

Laravel provides built-in authentication and authorization mechanisms, making it straightforward to implement user authentication, registration, and access control.

  • Caching

Laravel offers a flexible caching system that supports various drivers, including in-memory caching, file system caching, and database caching. Caching can significantly improve the performance of web applications by reducing the need to regenerate expensive operations.

  • Testing

Laravel provides a testing framework that makes it easy to write unit tests and run automated tests for different parts of your application. This helps ensure the stability and reliability of your codebase.

  • Task Scheduling

Laravel includes a built-in task scheduler that allows you to define scheduled tasks within your application. This is useful for automating routine tasks such as database cleanups, sending emails, or generating reports.

Laravel has a vibrant and supportive community, with extensive documentation, tutorials, and a vast ecosystem of third-party packages (known as Laravel packages) that can be easily integrated into your projects.

Overall, Laravel aims to simplify the development process, improve developer productivity, and promote code maintainability, making it a popular choice for building web applications in PHP.

What is Laravel in eCommerce Website?

Laravel logo

Laravel is a popular PHP framework that is widely used for building web applications, including eCommerce websites. It provides a robust and scalable foundation for developing complex web applications with ease. Laravel follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, which promotes separation of concerns and enhances code maintainability.

When building an eCommerce website using Laravel, you can leverage its rich ecosystem of features and libraries to streamline the development process. Here are some key aspects of Laravel that make it suitable for building an eCommerce website:

1. Routing

Laravel’s routing system allows you to define clean and expressive routes for handling various eCommerce functionalities, such as product listing, adding items to the cart, or processing payments.

2. Database Integration

Laravel provides an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) called Eloquent, which simplifies database interactions. You can define models and relationships between them, making it easier to work with product catalogs, customer data, orders, and other entities in your eCommerce website.

3. Authentication and Security

Laravel offers a built-in authentication system that enables you to handle user registration, login, and password reset functionalities. It also provides features like encryption, CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection, and input validation to enhance the security of your eCommerce website.

4. Caching and Performance

Laravel includes a caching system that helps optimize the performance of your eCommerce website. By caching frequently accessed data, you can reduce database queries and improve response times, resulting in a smoother user experience.

5. Integration with Third-Party Services

Laravel simplifies the integration of third-party services commonly used in eCommerce, such as payment gateways, shipping APIs, and email providers. You can leverage Laravel’s libraries and packages or create custom integrations to enhance your website’s functionality.

6. Testing and Debugging

Laravel provides a testing framework that enables you to write unit tests and perform automated testing of your eCommerce website. Additionally, Laravel’s error and exception handling features help you identify and debug issues efficiently.

Top 10 Reasons to Use Laravel for eCommerce Web Development

1. Simple to create eCommerce Websites

Because it is simple to use, Laravel can be used to create websites and online apps. Laravel provides Libraries that may be used to create a website or web application from the ground up.

It features a very structured project formation and thinking code requirements that no other framework has. It is not necessary to write redundant code every time.

2. Pre-installed libraries and pre-made packages

Every PHP framework has its own libraries and packages that developers can use to create the best eCommerce solutions. 

These packages include additional features such as high scalability, Omni channel support, and self-determining operations. These packages are completely free of charge. As a result, you must pay for the Laravel web app development firm in order to use all of these capabilities for free.  

3. Best Security Features

One of the first things that comes to mind when building an eCommerce store is “security” As the store contains payment gateways and personal customer data, business owners require extremely secure websites.

Laravel includes two levels of security: server security and application security. No framework can provide a 100% guarantee of security, however Laravel offers many secure features that ensure the highest level of security.

4. With ease, plan the workflow

Doing the jobs with preparation not only reminds you of the necessary adjustments, but it also makes your application secure and smooth. This is the most crucial element of any framework. 

Laravel has sustainable job scheduling for setup and management, which is another reason to use it. This makes your work more accessible and appropriate, while also saving you time and money.

5. Pre-developed Open sources

Laravel provides painless content management, allowing you to create blog articles, catalogue products, and much more on your own. Instead, Laravel includes pre-built themes that will save you money and time.

It employs a tailored problem-solving methodology to ensure the smooth and error-free development of your online retail site. Some well-known open-source eCommerce packages include Bagisto, Aimeos, and Mage2.

6. Exceptionally scalable

Creating a new eCommerce platform or migrating from an existing framework to Laravel is a simple and painless process.

A developer or a Laravel development service can also complete this process more efficiently and quickly, and they can enhance it as needed.

This merely demonstrates one of the many advantages of adopting Laravel: it is highly scalable. Developers can use it to extend the functionality of the website whenever they wish.

7. Community engagement

Laravel is also well-known among PHP frameworks for its community support. It has a large developer community that helps each other with a range of styles and layouts.

It includes a nice tutorial to help you grasp this framework and wonderful individuals that will assist you with any problem you may have. Even large corporations will supply you with training classes.

Laravel development services will supply you with expert support because of its developers and a large community that will always provide you with better and helpful answers.

8. Integrations with a variety of interfaces

Laravel has a number of useful interfaces that will assist you in a variety of ways. It is coupled with mailing, which is a priority in each store in order to contact customers. Mailing is a critical step in staying in touch with your customers and knowing their needs. 

There are numerous frameworks that are incompatible with email services. It also offers unique solutions for integrating the mailing service in a variety of other ways.

9. Database Migration

A database holds data in it, and this stored data can be changed or destroyed as needed by websites. It’s a possibility to make or implement these changes to it. It is not feasible to manually migrate databases from one to another as in the PHP framework, which is tedious and time-consuming.

Laravel offers a quick and simple migration to increase database’s composition without making any changes to the database. It ensures the security of your database and reduces the possibility of it being dropped.

10. Simple upkeep and simple testing

It is incredibly simple to test and ensure that your store is bug-free with Laravel. The code and database may be tested using the framework’s PHPUnit, which saves time.

It not only allows for simple testing, but it also allows for simple maintenance. The framework is built on a Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates the logic and presentation layers. And the concepts of OOP allow the development team to easily perform maintenance. Whatever you choose, simply stick with those who provide high-quality services at a reasonable price.

What is the advantage of Laravel over WordPress? 

Laravel and WordPress are both powerful tools, but they serve different purposes and have distinct advantages depending on the context. Here are some advantages of Laravel over WordPress:

Customization and FlexibilityHighly customizableCustomizable through themes and plugins
Application DevelopmentDesigned for complex web appsPrimarily a content management system
Code Quality and MaintainabilityClean and maintainable codebaseSimplicity may result in less code organization
Development Workflow and ToolsComprehensive toolsetPrimarily focused on website management
Ecommerce and Enterprise ApplicationsSuitable for complex business logicLimited scalability for large-scale platforms

Customization and Flexibility

Laravel is a PHP web application framework that provides extensive customization options. It allows developers to build highly tailored and complex web applications from scratch. In contrast, WordPress is primarily a content management system (CMS) designed for building websites, especially blogs and simpler content-driven sites. While WordPress offers customization through themes and plugins, its focus is more on website management rather than building custom applications.

Application Development

Laravel is specifically designed for application development, including complex web applications and APIs. It provides features like MVC architecture, routing, database migrations, ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), authentication, and more, which are essential for building scalable and robust applications. WordPress, on the other hand, excels in content management, providing a user-friendly interface for creating and managing website content.

Code Quality and Maintainability

Laravel promotes clean, modular, and maintainable code through its conventions and best practices. It follows modern PHP standards and design patterns, making it easier to understand, test, and maintain the codebase. WordPress, being more focused on simplicity and ease of use, may not enforce the same level of code organization and maintainability.

Development Workflow and Tools

Laravel provides a comprehensive set of tools and features that enhance the development workflow. It includes features like Artisan command-line interface, database migrations, built-in testing support, and robust package management via Composer. These tools streamline development, automate repetitive tasks, and promote code consistency. While WordPress has its own set of tools and plugins, they are primarily geared towards managing websites rather than supporting complex application development.

Ecommerce and Enterprise Applications

Laravel’s flexibility and extensive feature set make it suitable for building ecommerce platforms and enterprise-level applications. It provides the necessary tools and integrations to handle complex business logic, payment gateways, inventory management, and other ecommerce-specific requirements. WordPress, while having plugins and themes for ecommerce, may not offer the same level of flexibility and scalability required for large-scale ecommerce platforms.

Why Laravel is better than .net?

Comparing Laravel with .NET is subjective, as both are powerful frameworks with their own strengths. However, here are some reasons why developers might consider Laravel to be better than .NET in certain scenarios:

Open-Source Nature

Laravel is an open-source framework built on PHP, which means it is freely available, has a large community, and benefits from constant contributions and updates. This open-source nature promotes innovation, community support, and the availability of numerous packages and libraries. In contrast, .NET is a Microsoft framework, which comes with licensing costs for certain features and tools.

PHP Ecosystem

Laravel leverages the extensive PHP ecosystem, which has a large number of libraries, frameworks, and tools available. This makes it easier to integrate Laravel with existing PHP-based applications, access third-party libraries, and leverage the collective knowledge and expertise of the PHP community. .NET, on the other hand, has its own ecosystem centered around the Microsoft stack.

Development Speed

Laravel promotes a rapid development workflow through its expressive syntax, powerful features, and developer-friendly conventions. It includes tools like Artisan (a command-line interface) and a vast number of pre-built libraries and packages, allowing developers to build applications more efficiently. This can result in faster development cycles compared to the sometimes more verbose nature of .NET.

Modern Web Development Practices

Laravel embraces modern web development practices and design patterns, such as MVC (Model-View-Controller), dependency injection, and routing. It follows PHP best practices and encourages clean code architecture and maintainability. While .NET also supports these practices, Laravel is often regarded as having a more elegant and developer-friendly syntax.

Flexibility and Customization

Laravel offers a high degree of customization and flexibility, allowing developers to tailor their applications to specific requirements. It provides modular structure and architecture, making it easier to modify or extend different parts of the application. .NET, although also flexible, may require a more extensive setup and configuration for certain customizations.

Database Support

Laravel has a robust ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) called Eloquent, which simplifies database interactions and provides an intuitive and expressive syntax for querying databases. It supports multiple database systems out of the box. .NET offers its own ORM called Entity Framework, which is also powerful but might have a steeper learning curve.


As an open-source framework, Laravel eliminates the need for costly licenses, making it a cost-effective choice for development projects. On the other hand, .NET may require licenses for certain features and tools, which can increase the overall project cost.

Open-Source NatureFreely available with a large open-source communityProprietary framework with licensing costs for some features
PHP EcosystemLeverages extensive PHP ecosystemHas its own ecosystem centered around the Microsoft stack
Development SpeedPromotes rapid development with expressive syntaxEfficient development, but can be more verbose
Modern Web Development PracticesEmbraces modern practices and design patternsSupports modern practices, but may have a learning curve
Flexibility and CustomizationHighly customizable and flexibleOffers flexibility, but may require more setup and config
Database SupportRobust ORM (Eloquent) with multiple database supportOffers Entity Framework ORM, but with a learning curve
CostCost-effective with no licensing feesLicensing costs for certain features and tools

How TechnBrains can use Laravel to build best eCommerce Website?

TechnBrains, a leading web development company, specializes in building top-notch eCommerce websites using Laravel, a powerful PHP framework. With their expertise in Laravel, TechnBrains can create the best eCommerce website tailored to your specific business needs.

  • TechnBrains specializes in building eCommerce websites using Laravel, a powerful PHP framework.
  • Laravel’s robustness and scalability ensure a high-performing eCommerce platform.
  • TechnBrains leverages Laravel’s MVC architecture, routing system, and database management capabilities.
  • They offer customization options to tailor your eCommerce website to your specific business needs.
  • TechnBrains integrates third-party services like payment gateways and shipping providers seamlessly.
  • They prioritize security by implementing robust authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  • Laravel’s comprehensive toolset streamlines the development workflow and ensures code quality.
  • TechnBrains utilizes Laravel’s command-line interface, database migrations, and testing support.
  • They provide smooth integration with various third-party services, enhancing your website’s functionality.
  • With TechnBrains’ expertise and Laravel’s capabilities, your eCommerce website will be a standout success.

In conclusion, TechnBrains has the best Laravel developer to build the best eCommerce website for your business. They leverage Laravel’s customization options, scalability, security features, and integration capabilities to create a robust, flexible, and high-performing eCommerce platform that meets your unique requirements. With TechnBrains’ expertise and Laravel’s capabilities, your ecommerce website development will be a standout success in the digital marketplace.

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